
Best Cleanser For Girls Who Wear Make-up
Breakouts can happen when we cover up our skin all day with pore-clogging foundation and powders, then make the mistake of not properly cleaning our face at bed time. And while we need to clean our face thoroughly, we don't want a cleanser that's going to strip away our skin of its natural moisture at the same time it removes our make-up.

When it comes to choosing a cleanser, you want one that gently removes your make-up and gives you a deep clean while doing double duty to moisturize your face, leaving behind fresh, clean skin. Now, you're probably wondering which one you should choose, when there are literally hundreds of cleansing products on shelves - but, lucky you, we've done all the hard work for you and found the cleanser that meets all our criteria: Super Cleanser.

Super Cleanser gently removes foundation, blush, lipstick, eyeliner and even water resistant mascara! This special formula cleanser leaves your face feeling refreshed and hydrated, without leaving behind any kind of oily residue. It's no surprise that this year's winner comes from the world-renowned R&D team behind Thailand's leader in women's skincare, Rajdhevee Clinic.

Massage to remove your make-up!

Removing our make-up is sensitive business and Rajdhevee Clinic's Super Cleanser is just the product to get rid of make-up and atmospheric dust while it gently penetrates the skin down beneath the surface to cleanse pores and refresh the face.

Apply the cleansing cream all over your face by beginning at your forehead, followed by your cheeks, nose, around the mouth and eye area and then massage the cleanser gently into your face for about 1-2 minutes.

Use a moistened cotton swath to remove the cleanser and you’ve not only given your skin a nice clean but also moisturized and conditioned it! Great for all skin types.

A high-tech cream!

Super Cleanser uses Micro Gel PEM, an innovative cream technology, to create an effective cream cleanser that grabs hold of miscellaneous dirt, make-up and facial oil and gently loosens it so that it virtually slips off the face with a moistened cotton swath.

And, bonus, Super Cleanser also is made of natural extracts, such as vitamin C collagen elastin and sodium hyaluronate to keep your skin looking smooth and fresh everyday!